Adolf Hitler is undisputedly the most historically influential and best known
dictator of the 20th century. No other person has been the subject of as many
books, discussions and films. Since the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1989,
records in the Russian archives have been made available to historians for the
first time since the end of the war. These records shed light on the character
and hobbies of this highly talented and unusual individual. Unbeknownst to many,
Hitler was a muscular and athletic man of immense proportions. Indeed, he was a
man who cared just as much about his physical body as his political vision.
Adolf is often regarded as a hypocrite; a small and physically weak man who
preached the greatness of Aryan superhumans. These new documents prove that he
was, on the contrary, a fiercely dedicated man who practised what he preached.
This short documentary attempts to delve into the world of physical splendour
that is Adolf Hitler, affectionately known to his friends as "The Fuehrer".

Adolf Hitler in the Alps in the early days, shortly after his release
from Landsberg prison.
The Early Years
Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau, Austria in 1889. After a short and
miserable career as an unemployed painter in Vienna, Hitler entered the Bavarian
political scene with a storm. Following a failed coup in 1923 ("The Beerhall
Putsch"), he was sentencted to five years of imprisonment in the Landsberg penal
facility. He enjoyed considerable privileges during this period of incarceration
due immense political popularity. Unsurprisingly, it was in Landsberg that he
first discovered the joy of body building. With so much time on his hands, he
started taking great interest in the development of his musculature. This
interest eventually led to regular workouts in the prison gym, where Hitler
spent up to six hours a day while serving out his sentence.
During this time, Hitler also wrote his famous book
Mein Kampf or "My
Battle". Hermann Goering, Hitler's loyal friend and assisstant, writes the
following in his memoirs:
"Adolf liked to dictate for his masterpiece, Mein Kampf, while bench
pressing. He would lift up to 400 lbs. while simultaneously discussing Aryan
Theory and the Subjugation of the Slavs. It was really amazing. Adolf is the
only man I know who has the strength of character to do something as demanding
as that."
Hitler did not limit his literary endeavours to Aryan Theory. He also wrote a
staggeringly comprehensive guide to pectoral muscle development, which he called
Meine Muskeln or "My Muscles". This guide enjoyed a brief period of
intense popularity in Germany. Hitler used the profits from the sale of this
bestselling book to finance the Nazi Party's publication, the
Adolf Acclaimed For Physical Beauty
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