ukraine - Vinnitsa
ukraine - ivangorod
probably, jew-shotings in Vinnitsa
GFH Catalog No.: 17582
it appears in the book "преступления немецко-фашистских оккупантов в белоруссии 1941 - 1944 "
pub. Minsk, 1965

from the movies War and Remembrance. (at 09:40).
stutthoff. from USHMM collection

ukraine - ivangorod

GFH Catalog No.: 17582
it appears in the book "преступления немецко-фашистских оккупантов в белоруссии 1941 - 1944 "
pub. Minsk, 1965

from the movies War and Remembrance. (at 09:40).
Shooting of a Woman and Child in Miropol
stutthoff. from USHMM collection

Is there anymore information about the picture displayed on this page...the mother embracing her daughter before they are shot?
ReplyDeleteIt's a photo of a TV screen showing a movie and not a genuine photo from WW2
Deletewhen you say it is not genuine, it is a fictional piece? I found the image so disturbing (of course, may people could have died in this exact circumstance) but is it based on an actual situation?
DeleteI found this image horrific as well. I would really appreciate more information on it, what movie was this from if it is fake?
DeleteIt is a photo of a TV screen showing a movie. Could be any number of films. Perhaps a Russian one? No idea but it's definitely a dramatised image. You can see the TV screen clearly and the black band part way up that often occurs when you take photos from TV. Nobody would take a photo from that angle in reality. Too much chance of getting hit by bullets.
DeleteI have never seen anything more disturbing on the internet- ever
DeleteIt's from a movie and not real
DeleteIt doesn't matter. It happened... It all happened.
Deleteyes but that one happened in a TV studio. The people didn't die so don't worry about it too much.
Deleteit happened. Babiyar, Russia. Early in the war. Jews were driven to a large pit and herded in and shot en mass, falling on each other, horrible. Then, the Nazis developed a more "efficient" way of killing the Jews, that was less personal to the Nazi murderers: the gas chamber. All true.
DeleteThose are actually real Russians being slaughtered by the bolshevik army which is a zionist army.Btw all german jews escaped germany why do you think the american jews have german last names.And all these pics are propaganda created by the jews,peace.
DeleteSylvia, You are in denial about American Jews, they don't have German last names. Wth?
DeleteWont spend too much time on commenting on "Sylvia's" original comment. Only to say likely no one is this stupid and is likely work of a troll.
DeleteNot to dismiss nor minimise what happened to the Jews by the Einsatzegruppen and Gestapo during the war. But, it helps to have a little knowledge before espousing "History". Early in War World II - the germans didn't concern themselves too much with the Jews - meaning the - mass exterminations. This was done mainly by the Russians and to a lesser degree by the poles at the beginning of the war. The germans really didn't implement the 'Final Solution' on a large scale until the final year of the war. They were more concerned with the 'Slavic' problem at the beginning of the war. And while it all horrible - alot of the above pictures are either movies about the war - or more likely, Russian propaganda films. (in which; I wouldn't be surprised if the Red Army -rounded up Jews and undesirables and executed them for propaganda films - and then blamed it on the germans) Both sides were equally bad - the only difference is: only the Gestapo and the Einsatzegruppen branch of the SS - were responsible the german atrocities - were as all branches of the Russian war machine equally and vigorously executed whomever they chose to!
DeleteI don't believe it is from a movie. It shows her pubic hair. That is not allowed in movie making.
DeleteI don't believe it is from a movie. It shows her pubic hair. That is not allowed in movie making.
DeleteReally, Kate??...Really?? You can even see the television frame in the picture. OMFG
Deletethis was a picture taken of a tv screen, but it was also real. Many historical movies use real historical pictures and newsreal. Alsothere would be no worries as to getting accidentally shot. The Germans were very thorough and deliberate about documenting everything through pictures and video, it is why we have so much proof today. And i swear anyone who says this didnt happen is very ignorant. Suck it up and realize that humans were and very much still are capable of committing this horrific and great of a crime. And yes, we do over dramatisize how much the jews were the center of attention. Hitler had a special hate for them, but they were no where near the majority, that does not mean we should say they didnt endure terrible brutality. So did many other races and peoples.
DeleteWhile that photo was a dramatization, that happened, often. In fact, to not waste bullets, the Nazi Psychopaths would shoot the mothers and leave the infants or children to die in the ravine, or when other people fell on top of them.
DeleteThere is a video on youtube of a survivor of Babi Yar, she described somehow surviving and finding that she was in fact on top of her son, who had suffocated under her. She described crawling out of the ravine full of the bodies of her friends and neighbors.. and I'll never forget the look in her eyes, her trauma changed her forever. Her eyes said everything, and conveyed that the pain and horror are with her every day. It was one of the saddest thing I've ever seen.
I am here because I just found people with my last name in a testimony from a survivor of Babi Yar which I had only learned of 10 years ago. It's just so horrible.
real or not - this image you all wonder about, even if from a film, a dramatization - it is very much based on what happened. My understanding though, from the survivor videos on youtube is that they were shot while standing at the edge of the ravine, which was already filled with bodies.. and they fell in - i don't know if people were shooting them in the ravine or just leaving them to die there.. more than a few crawled out and survived.. their testimonies can be found on youtube.
La foto de la mujer abrazando a la nina es horriblemente shockeante y conmovedora. Despues de ver documentos graficos similares, me atrevo a suponer que esa foto seguro fue durante alguna Aktion de los Einsatzgruppen en los territorios de los paises balticos, Ucrania o Bielorusia, entre el 40/41/42.
ReplyDeletees una fotografía realizada a una pantalla de televisión. la curva de la imagen y el barrido propio del haz de electrones (que oscurece la mitad superior) así lo indican.
DeleteI wish I was in that war just to use my torture methods on those fucking ass wholes.
Deletewas copied from:
could be anywhere in Sov.Un.
That was taken at Babi Yar in the Ukraine
ReplyDeleteThe people who committed these crimes will burn in hell...and rightfully so.
DeleteUnfortunately, most of the perpetrators got away after the War, blended with the German population, and lived peacefully for the rest of their lives.
I would not speculate where they wound up after their death.
ReplyDeleteThe mother embracing her child is STAGED/RECONSTRUCTED photo for film/documentary purposes.
ReplyDeleteThat idiot Bonnie Burns blocked me after I pointed out that this photo of mother embracing her child before being executed by the SS is STAGED/RECONSTRUCTED/FAKE photo.
I pointed out that it is important to post authentic holocaust photos not staged/reconstruction photos
Bonnie Burns took the offence and blocked me!
it's obviously a photo of a TV screen
DeleteI agree with you, the Shoah must be remebered with accuracy, not by reconstructions. Even they are important, they must be differentiate from real historical evidence. Such evidence is probably more horrific than reconstructions. I heard some descriptions of short episodes of survivors such as Ben Abraham Z"L in São Paulo that are impossible to describe. All the best, Gerson Levi Lazzaris, from Brazil.
DeleteA staged photo or movie shot would not show a woman's pubic area and her pubic hair. This violates obscenity laws.
DeleteA staged photo or movie shot would not show a woman's pubic area and her pubic hair. This violates obscenity laws.
DeleteIt is from the movie the holocaust have a look on youtube. This was case closed a while ago now by someone earlier on the thread.
DeleteHere is the youtube video of the movie
Kate Kastorff, a staged photo or movie shot would not show a woman's pubic area and her pubic hair because this violates obscenity laws? Are you kidding? You haven't seen movies over the past 30-40-50 years?
DeleteJust in theme of the photo, you have never seen "Schindler's List"? Nudity and pubic hairs are shown in that movie too and it's not porn, it's a representation of something happened in reality.
Also the third photo of a Whermacht NCO with his pistol looking down to a executed naked female probably is photoshopped due to the B/W contrast of naked female compared to the German NCO.
ReplyDeleteThe other 4 photos is authentic.
The last two photos of a naked male being dragged by the Germans or paramilitary Ushma which was probably taken in Yugoslavia. The Ushmas took loads of photos of Jews, Serbs who were currently held in brutal extermination camp and being executed by the Ushmas.
That image is definitely a fake too. There are 2 fake images on this page. rest are real.
DeleteThey are all genuine photos. Believe if you want or not. But they are all genuine i saw the originals in Donesk.
DeleteGFH Catalog No.: 17582
ReplyDeletethey might have information of this photo. not sure though. it also appears in the book from 1965 "преступления немецко-фашистских оккупантов в белоруссии 1941 - 1944 " .
Scott, yours was deleted by mistake when i deleted my repetitious.
DeleteThat's ok! don't worry...i'm probably being repetitious too!!
Deletethank you , this picture disturbed me so much i couldn't sleep. i know so many babies & children died there but this image hurt me so bad. thank you for telling me it was a movie scene.
ReplyDeleteit does help ease my mind
ReplyDeleteI to have found this and many other pictures very troubling and rather disturbing...Bless them all!
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ReplyDeleteBastards. What kind of people are they?? Fucking butchers. Animals are better. Makes me sick to my stomach when I think of all the poor little children they slaughterd. Bastards. God damned evil bastards.
ReplyDeleteil yaura un jugement dernier comment voulez vous que notre fin sera une notre mort et le jugement pour sesactes
ReplyDeleteWhat I find hard to comprehend is that some of the perpetrators will have been men with wives and children of their own. How could they do this and still live with their conscience afterwards. Evil, evil, evil.
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ReplyDeleteWhat I find hard to comprehend is that some of the perpetrators will have been men with wives and children of their own. How could they do this and still live with their conscience afterwards. Evil, evil, evil.
ReplyDeleteThe third picture is indeed a fake. It comes from the movies War and Remembrance. You can see it right here (at 09:40). The shoah was terrible enough, no need to add fake pictures. There are plenty of real stuff => https://youtu.be/G7aq7QjHNFc?t=9m39s
ReplyDeleteGood find, Cyril, but you mean the 4th pic. Mind you, the third one is not real either.
DeleteYes, David, the fourth. Sorry. When reading the thread, I messed it up :)
DeleteBut yes, the fourth picture :)
Thank you so much Cyril for clarifying. Great find!
ReplyDeleteIn Ukraine, the Nazis came to power again...
ReplyDeleteWhat goes around comes around! Lol
DeleteSo it will come to you too...
DeleteTodas las escenas que he visto, han dado lugar a un enfriamiento sobre el amor a mis semejantes; pero pienso que durante una guerra, el ser humano sufre una transformación que es difícil de analizar. De toda manera es horrible pensar que se pueda llegar a esas atrocidades.
ReplyDeleteWhy does the fact that the mother and daughter photo was shown on TV eg in a doco, and photographed from there, make the photo less authentic? People photograph TV docos all the time, particularly VOD or TIVO-style when you control the stream and can pause. It could also be a computer screen, from a Youtube-uploaded doco etc. The fact that it's not a scan of the original negative/exposure, is meaningless. Most historical photos usually aren't.
ReplyDeleteNot eg in a doco but in a drama. That's the difference basically. Reality v fiction.
DeleteI was born and raised in Russia. With reliability I say that we have NO such film. We do NOT have producers like this. These photos are NOT taken from the movies. This is terrible truth of the history of fascism. See, think... - so this does NOT happens again never!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are that to say that it didn't happen or to support the idea that a picture is real or not detracts from what really happened. To affirm the fact is a much more important thought than a flippant discussion
ReplyDeleteI was born and raised in Russia. With reliability I say that we have NO such film. We do NOT have producers like this. These photos are NOT taken from the movies. This is terrible truth of the history of fascism. See, think... - so this does NOT happens again never!
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ReplyDeleteLook at Cyril's post above for f**ks sakes. Press the link and watch the movie where this picture is taken from.
DeleteMaybe these are photos from the film, but this is really happening in the WW2. On directive and the other in command in Nazi Germany .... and as for the children in the only camp for children in the territory of europe tortured and killed, hundreds children, and worst of all, kids worked that ... these pictures from Jasenovac has many ...
ReplyDeleteSome photos seem so revolting, they make a clear headed analysis difficult. E.g. The one with the naked woman and child in arm seems strange, the angle of the photo is odd and the whole composition is incongruent. BUT - these things happened on all sides (and by all involved) in that war and the Holocaust in particular, is real. The inhumanity is real too, even today.
ReplyDeleteI just read of the story of a cave in Macadonia where they found the braided hair and corpses of 100 woman and children - killed AFTER the war (I don't know who they were - but the picture of the heap of hair sticks with me.
I happen to believe that Israel, the country of the Holocaust survivors is amazingly humane, considering what happened.
All this photos looks fake to me. They look as real as the photos of the aliens' autopsies. Even one is from a movie! They are intended to affect the viewer.
ReplyDeleteThere were naturally several Soviet/Russian docus made of the Holocaust and the Nazi occupation. Public nudity is common in Russia, then and now, and they generally don't have a problem with showing pulic hair (and why should they?).
Anyone who puts up fake sensational photos is only helping Holocaust deniers.
As for the "I wish I was in that war just to use my torture methods on those fucking ass wholes" stuff,
well, there are still plenty of wars going on that you can join where such massacres and rape take place.
The Nazis were very special in the vastness and method of their crimes, but they are not unique. Girls were raped and murdered by US forces in Iraq, and in the US itself about half a century before the Holocaust, Indian mothers probably cradled their chidren very similarly when they were being massacred by American soliders.
As I said, the sheer scale and horror of the Holocaust was something very new, but, while Nazis come and go, this thing will continue as long as such racial hatred continues.
White people are some crazy mother fu---.
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